Thursday, March 3, 2011

Museum of Stained Glass in Ely Cathedral

This is the stairwell that lead up to the museum

Information about the stained glass shown below.

Can you believe this was made in 1210?

This piece is titled "The Head of St. John the Baptist" and it was made in 1450.
Upstairs at the Cathedral, there is a stained glass museum.  There are so many pieces of original stained glass, dating all the way back to the 1200's.  There were not photos inside the museum, but you could take photos in the outer area of the museum, so here a a few photos.  If you would like to look at all the pieces they have on display, go to their website at

Another interesting fact, the guy that was working at the museum is from Tennessee.  His grandmother is from Scotland and he went to school at St. Andrews.  I know your next question, because it was my next question also!  Yes, he did go to school with Prince William.  But he said his invitation to the wedding must have been lost in the mail.  lol

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