Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ireland, Day 2, Wicklow Mountains

The countryside is beautiful, there are sheep grazing everywhere.  An interesting fact about the farms pastures,  they don't us fences, all of the sheep graze together.  In place of fences, they use low rock walls, some of the walls are hundreds of year old!  When the sheep are herded, they are all together.  Each farm has their own brand, (which looks like spray paint) and each farmer gathers their own sheep.  That seems so nice, you certainly would want to be friend with your neighbors! 

This photo is from the Wicklow Gap.  The ground cover that is dead now is actually heather.  Can you imagine in the summer the heather is blooming and the entire mountain side is covered in purple.
  I would love to see that!
Dublin was very nice, but I love going out of the city!  I went on a day long tour to the Wicklow Mountains and Lakes, which is really beautiful.  Evidently, Ireland is a lot like England when it comes to the weather.  It was cloudy and overcast during my trip to Ireland, so I felt right at home!  Fortunately, it was not cloudy which was a blessing.  Our tour guide said that it can be so foggy that you really can't even tell that you are looking at mountains.  I certainly don't mean to imply that when you see one big city you have seen them all, but me being from Little Rock, seeing the cities of London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Dublin, they really do start looking alike!  I think I would have to say that my favorite was Rome.  It is so amazing to know how old each of these cities are in comparison to the United States.  Some of the building, paintings, stained glass, etc. are older than our country!

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