Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bahrain aka Lakenheath

I have been working this week from my room at RAF Lakenheath.  I could really get used to working at home!  It has been really nice.  I am working for Bahrain this week, so I worked Sunday and each day this week from 4:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m, which would be the office hours at Bahrain.  (I got to work in my room because I am completely dedicated to Bahrain this week!  I am at their disposal.)  Everyone that had appointments with me there have been calling me and we held the appointment by phone.  I have been returning all calls that I received at my Lakenheath office also. 

I am not sure you all heard on the news yesterday, but  a gunman opened fire on a bus of American military members at the Frankfurt, Germany airport.  There were two airmen killed and two wounded that were stationed here at RAF Lakenheath.  Please remember these service members and their families, along with all service members in your prayers.

Friday I will be leaving for Dublin for the weekend.  I will be writing all about the trip next week.  Have a great weekend!

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