Sunday, April 17, 2011

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle, taken from the street in Windsor

The Kings Bedroom

Saturday I spent the day at Windsor, including a tour of Windsor Castle.  I love Windsor, there are so many little shops, cafes and pubs all along the streets.  I kept my eye out for William and Kate, but I never saw them!  It is hard the believe that the castle is the true residence of the Queen.  The tour said that she spends most weekends there.  The tour included the state apartments, which were out of this world, you couldn't take pictures, so I don't have much to show for that part.  I did sneak one picture of the kings bedroom, don't tell anyone!  I would love to see the part that they actually live in, I can't imagine it being as grand as the state apartments, but you never know.  It would be amazing to live there with children, they could literally get lost!  Of course I am sure that they had two or three nanny's looking after each child!  Anyway, enjoy the pictures. 

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