Thursday, April 28, 2011

Turkish Baths at Harrogate

Looking through the frigidarium (relaxation) room to the plunge pool
Last Wednesday I went to Harrogate to work at  RAF Menwith Hill Thursday and Friday.  Harrogate is a really nice spa town.  I went to the Turkish Baths, someone told me that is where they really scrub you.  Well, that is not what this Turkish Bath turned out to be! You first go into a eucalyptus steam room, then you take a plunge in a really cold pool, from there you go to the following rooms; tepidarium (warm), calidarium (hot) and laconium (hottest) that cleanse, relax and boost circulation. The session is rounded off in the frigidarium (relaxation room).  Temperatures in the baths’ hottest room (laconium) reach 66ºC (150ºF).  Let me tell you it was hot and the plunge pool was cold, but is sure felt great!  You couldn't have camera's there, so I was only able to sneak one picture!

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