Friday, April 8, 2011

Government shut down?

Who knows? I am not as concerned about whether I report to work as I am about the possibility of going home early.  We have been getting messages from our Program Manager in DC all week, everything from we could be "excepted" which means we will work and then after everything is over the excepted employees will get paid.  Or, we will stay at our home installation and not work and not get paid, or worse, be sent home - back to the States.  I can't come home yet, Stephen is coming here in 32 days!  I still have a lot of the United Kingdom to see!

Oh well, things always turn out the way they are supposed to!  In the mean time, I am getting up early in the morning and going to Bath.  I will probably stop by Stonehenge on the way.  I am taking my swimsuit just in case I decide to take a bath while I am visiting the Roman Baths!  Pictures to come!  Have a great weekend.

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