Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's hot!

I guess spring has officially arrived in the United Kingdom!  It was 26 degrees C at lunch today, that equals 78.8 F.  Seems like weather at home.  Fortunately no storms!  I am going to have to find some cooler clothes.  I packed for cold weather! 

I just found out this morning that a service member from here at Mildenhall that was due to retire on May 31st, was at his parents home in Alabama on leave prior to retirement when he and his father and his sister were killed by a tornado, his mother and wife are in critical condition and his two daughters are in very serious condition.  Everyone that has been affected by the storms all across the US are in my prayers!

FYI - 22 days until Stephen arrives and 40 days til I get home!  I can't wait!

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