Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the UK!

Wow, what a beautiful day!  It was 73 degrees when I took a late lunch this afternoon.  It was all I could do to go back to the office.  The one thing this base needs is some picnic tables.  Outside the Airman and Family Readiness Center at Menwith Hill, they have several picnic tables.  My back is feeling much better.  I am thinking that if I had a kidney stone, I have passed it.  I am scheduled next week for a CT scan, but if my back continues to feel good through the weekend, I am going to cancel the appointment.

I met another service member that will be getting out and going home to Arkansas!  He was stationed at LRAFB and bought a house in Cabot.  A month after he closed on his house, he got orders to come to RAF Mildenhall.  He is disappointed that he is being medically discharged after 13 years, but he is glad to be headed back to Arkansas.

The question of the government shut down is on every one's mind.  Will we go to work Monday is the big question.  I am thinking about going to Bath this weekend or maybe to Wales.  I don't have many weekends left and still so much to see!  I am supposed to be at RAF Alconbury Monday and Tuesday.  I had planned to meet up with Debra and Michael, but since I lost two weekends due to my back, I think I am going to have to travel while I can!  I will be going home in 53 days.  Which also means that Stephen will be here in 35 days!  YEAH!

One more thing to share, driving over here in the springtime is really hard.  There are just too many little lamb in the field.  I have a hard time driving by them and paying attention to the road.  I just want to look at the little lamb in the fields.  I don't think I mentioned before, there are pheasant all over the place around here.  They are in the fields and running across the road.  Thanks to Mary and Joel, I recognize them as pheasants and they really are beautiful birds.

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