Thursday, April 28, 2011

Harrogate and the Yorkshire Dales

My hotel in Harrogate, Hotel St. George, built in 1778.

This roundabout in Harrogate may have taken over the award for the prettiest roundabout.

Beautiful flowers in Pateley Bridge

Pateley Bridge, United Kingdom

Yorkshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales
When I left the base Thursday afternoon, I went driving around through the Yorkshire Dales.  It is really very pretty with rolling hills and green fields.  The road are winding - it reminds me a lot of Fayetteville, Berryville area.  It was hazy so the view was not near as nice as it could have been. I stopped at Pateley Bridge which is a really nice village on a river.  One of my customers told me that he likes to go there and go fly fishing.

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