Friday, February 18, 2011

RAF Alconbury to RAF Molesworth

Thursday afternoon I drove the back roads from RAF Molesworth to RAF Alconbury.  During the scenic 11 mile drive, I passed 7 chapel/churches.  Of course, this was the day that I didn't have either of my cameras with me, so I used my phone, pictures aren't too bad for a phone!  You can be driving along in the middle of farmland and there will be a chapel/church in the middle of the farm.  Someone told me the difference chapels, churches and cathedrals, but I can't remember what it is, I will have to research that!  Anyway, I love taking pictures of churches, but there are so many churches here if I stopped to photograph all of them I would never get anywhere!  In these pictures you can get an idea of how the weather is here most of the time.  It was 2:00 p.m. when I took these pictures.  I would say that we are lucky if it is sunny one day a week and the sunshine usually doesn't last the entire day.  But, thank God the days are getting longer!  It is no longer dark when I go to and from work!

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