Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Now that's close!

I pass this house when I am going to work in the mornings at Mildenhall.  It is like the house was there and they started building the road had to make a jut in the road to go around the house!  There are several houses like this around here.  I go to Mildenhall every Monday and Tuesday to work, for the last two weeks I have been able to get there with no GPS or map.  But, I still can't get home without going around the world.  I know it should be simple, but when I get on those roundabouts, I can't figure out which way to go.  Ms. Britt says enter roundabout, take 3rd exit, and I am lost.....The only exit I can figure out without any concern is the first exit.  Let's put it this way, anytime I go through a roundabout and take the exit, I hold my breath just waiting for her to say re-calculating!

Another interesting thing about this house, it has a thatched roof.  This type roof is made from dry vegetation, such as straw or reeds.  Many of the older homes have this type roof

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