Saturday, February 26, 2011

Market at Bury St. Edmund's

I finally made it to the market at Bury St. Edmunds today.  It was really awesome.  I left here about 9:00 so I was able to get a parking place.  I am sure the fact that it was raining helped also!  This is such a neat little village, there are a lot of restaurants, confectioneries, pastry shops and all kinds of other shops.  I had lunch at Prezzo, which is an Italian restaurant  The Sspaghetti Bolognese was so good!  On market days, which are Wednesdays and Saturdays, the entire town centre is open to pedestrians only.  It reminded me of the River Market on Saturday morning, each of booths had something different, from flowers, fruits and veggies, fresh fish, fresh baked breads to books and clothes.

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