Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dedicated to Bahrain this week

I wasn't able to travel to Bahrain, but I am totally dedicated to them this week!  I am working from 4:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. so that I am available during their office hours.  The wonderful things about this is I get to work from my room.  I had appointments scheduled all five days that I was supposed to be there.  Each of those personal interviews has turned into a telephone interview.  So, I am hanging around my room waiting for the phone to ring.  The weekend in Bahrain is actually Friday and Saturday, so I had my Monday today!  Since I finish at 1:30 each afternoon, I am going to try to see some things around this area in the afternoons.  Because I worked today, I am looking forward to my day off Friday, which is when I will be going to Dublin for the weekend.  I am definitely going to get pictures posted this week from my trip last weekend!

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