Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Exploring northern Wales

Sky and countryside when we first entered Wales

One lane road leading to the bottom of the waterfall and the B&B

In front of the Tan-y-Pistyall B&B Pistyll Rhaeadr.

All the white dots are sheep

One lane road going along the mountain

Another one lane road along the mountain

Bodnant Gardens, The Laburnum Arch.  Only blooms once a year for a couple of weeks.  We happened to be there at the right time.  I met a lady that went last year and just missed, so she had to wait a whole year to see it this year.

Cowyn Castle

Lake Vyrnwy - What a house on the lake!


Tan-y-Rhaeadr, B&B at Pistyll Rhaeadr

Church at Welshpool
Wales is such a beautiful country.  Beautiful mountains with sheep and cattle grazing over the VERY green fields!   You will be able to see from the pictures that many of the roads are narrow one lane roads on the side of a mountain!  Me not liking heights was a little scary driving!  The sun peeked out when we were arriving there Friday and maybe a couple of times Saturday, but it was pretty much cool, windy and a light sprinkle the entire time.

We decided that we would go straight to our B&B - Tan-y-Pistyll and check in before we got dinner.  It was down the mountain at the bottom of a four mail one lane road.  Of course, there wasn't anything to eat down there.  So we turned around after we checked in and went back down the road, January from the B&B suggested a pub called the Plough, we arrived there at 9:10 p.m.  They stopped serving at 9:00, so a man I met there had the girl call the other put in the village and they had already stopped serving, so he told us of a cafe that he thought was open.  He was a very nice man, he pointed to where he lives and said if the cafe is close come to my house and we will find something.  The cafe was open, but I swear, they literally microwaved out food.  I Stephen got "homemade lasagna" aka Stouffers frozen.  I had chicken kiev, I swear I have bought the same microwave chicken kiev at Sam's.  I shouldn't complain, it was food and we were hungry!  We told January where we went, she had never been there.  Stephen said how weird is it to only have three restaurants in your village and you haven't been to all of them?

Saturday morning I got up and read my book on the balcony overlooking the waterfall.  It was so beautiful and peaceful.  It would have been nice if it was a little warmer, but it was still beautiful.  After breakfast, we spent the day driving over the mountains to Bodnant Gardens, Cowyn Castle, and Vyrwyn Lake.  Let me tell you also, Wales is not the place that you want to let your gas light come on in the car!  Which mine did.  We looked on the GPS to find a gas station, it directed us to two different gas stations and they were both closed.  Of course it was 7:30 on a Saturday night.  Finally we went to number three on the list and it was open.  I was so relieved.  The gas light was blinking by then!

Sunday morning we got up and had breakfast and walked down to the waterfall.  We didn't climb to the top, with my ankle I didn't want to take any chances.  Stephen climbed part of the way up and took a few pictures.  The rocks were wet and slippery so he didn't go all the way.

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