Monday, May 16, 2011

My last briefing

Stephen and I had a wonderful weekend in Wales. I will be posting pictures soon!

Today I gave my last VA benefit briefing.  Part of me is glad because that means that it is almost time for me to head back home.  Another part of me is sad because that means that means that it is almost time for me to head home!  I will not be getting to do what I love most about this job, the personal contact with service member and veterans.  I feel so passionate about making sure that they are aware of the benefits that they are entitled for service to our great country!

The briefing today was probably one of my most fun groups!  They had a great questions and comments and were so eager to learn all they could.  I have practically memorized the slide presentation but, I must say that I think I am getting tired because toward the end of my briefing when I was talking about education benefits, what I meant to say is "active duty service members are not entitled" what I actually said was "active duty service members are not intelligent".  Of course as soon as I came out of my mouth I was shocked and totally embarrassed.  Thank God it was a great group because they thought it will hilarious!  I don't have a clue where that came from!

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