Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

I hope all of you mothers out there have had a wonderful day!  It is has been a beautiful sunny day here at Lakenheath.  There has been a spring bazaar going on this weekend at Mildenhall, they had some beautiful things and great food.  I bought myself a beautiful pansy service for four tea set, it is beautiful with purple and yellow pansies.  It's is perfect for me kitchen!

Yesterday I went to a going away party for a couple of my co-workers at Mildenhall.  It is hard to believe that I only have two more days at my RAF Mildenhall office.  They are having a going away potluck for me Tuesday.

Stephen arrives on Wednesday, I can't wait!   I will be home 21 days from today!  Look forward to seeing you all then!

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