Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stephen made it!

I picked Stephen up this morning at the bus station in Mildenhall!  He left home Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m, and landed at 6:35 a.m. this morning.  He was about 5 or 6 hours late leaving Chicago, then there was a medical emergency so they had to land in Newfoundland.  After they sat on the plane for a couple of hours there, they flew to Boston.  The pilots had been working too many hours to continue to London.  He  hung around the airport in Boston for several hours until he was put 7:05 p.m. when he departed via British Airways. 

Yesterday I didn't even bother to check to make sure that the plane was on time.  I was so anxious to see him I hurried off to the bus station.  When he didn't get off the bus that he was supposed to be on, I almost panicked.  We had not come up with plan B.  I didn't even know if he thought to bring my phone number with him.  I called one of my friends and she got on the internet to check United Airlines, his flight said contact airlines for arrival time.  That scared me too!  My first thing to ask her, was had she heard of any plane crashes!  When I go in touch with the airlines it was 11:00 a.m., they told me the plane was supposed to arrive at 9:30, but it didn't and she didn't know the status of the plane at that time.  I went back to my office and continued to call the airline to try and get information.  About 2:00 p.m. Stephen called me on Skype, I immediately asked where he was and he said Boston!  WHAT???  All I cared about was the fact that he was safe!

Needless to say, when he arrived today he was tired!  He ate lunch and took a nap.  When I got off work, we ordered pizza and stayed in tonight.  It was so nice just to have him here with me!  I made him watch American Idol with me.  He made jokes the entire time - it was great!

We are going tomorrow after work to Pistyll Rhaedar, Wales for the weekend.  You should Google it.  There is a bed and breakfast at the bottom of the waterfall.  It looks wonderful!  I will post pictures next week.

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