Thursday, June 2, 2011

My final days as the VA Representative for the United Kingdom

My final work day at RAF Lakenheath was May 20th and I was busy to the very end!  We had so many calls from people that wanted to get in to see me before I left, I had back to back appointments until I about 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon.  My last appointment Friday was a really sweet guy that is from Arkansas, his parents still live in Manila.  I visited with him a couple of times during my tour and I really enjoyed meeting with him because it was always good to talk to someone from home!  It was amazing to me how many service members had been stated at Little Rock Air Force Base.  I met several people that were either being transferred to LRAFB or that were being discharged and going home to Arkansas.  I made several friends that I know I will be staying in touch with:  Trina, who actually graduated from Sylvan Hills; Andrew, who was discharged on May 31st and returning to West Helena;  and Melissa, the receptionist at Lakeheath has a brother that is a park ranger at Caney Creek State Park in Star City.  

I met a wonderful couple Jeff and Pam.  Pam is a veteran that is currently in receipt of VA disability compensation and Jeff will be getting discharged in July.  Jeff was so very interesting to talk to, he survived a combat plane crash.  Just before I left, he was notified by the Air Force that he was classified as a Wounded Warrior.  He will be returning to Virginia in June, so when I get back into the office next week, I will be emailing him with contact information for the OEF/OIF Coordinator in Roanoke, VA.

Besides Jeff, probably the most memorable customer that I met was a wonderful British lady, Patricia. Patricia is the surviving spouse of a veteran and had been awarded service connected death benefits.  When I first met her in January, she had not received her benefits even though she had been notified over six month prior that she was entitled.  There were problems with her address, so her benefits had been returned and were in proceeds.  With the help of Shireen, my Program Manager in Washington, we got her retroactive check issued and her monthly benefits started.  She was so appreciative to receive her retro which was in excess of $16,000.00.   Stephen and I went to Ipswich, which is located about 40 miles east of Lakenheath on the coast, and had dinner with her on Thursday, May 19th.  Patricia's mother in law lives in Memphis, so who knows, maybe our paths will cross again.

I will be going back to work in the Regional Office on Monday, June 6th.  It will really be difficult to adjust to being back in the office again.  I love the OMSC position, it reminds me so much of the "old days" of being a Veterans Benefit Counselor.  I love the personal contact with service members, veterans and their families.  I know that my job as a Super Senior is important in the office, but at times we get so caught up in the paperwork and numbers that some people forget that every file is a veteran.

For many service members, the OMSC is the very first contact that they have with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  The first contact is so very important because we never get a second chance to make a good first impression.  I will forever be grateful to serve the people that have made it possible to have all the freedoms that I have today.  My goal today is the same at it was on April 4, 1980, my first day of work at the VA, to treat every veteran the way that I would want my Daddy to be treated.  I can proudly say that I have the opportunity to fulfill this goal every day! 

Last but not least, I know that Shireen Lackey from Benefits Assistance Service in Washington, DC has been following my blog, so I have a special message for you.  Shireen, thank you for selecting me for this position and for all your support during this tour.  To any VA employees that have been following my blog, if you have ever thought of applying for OMSC and have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.  It has truly be an honor to represent the Department of Veterans Affairs as an OMSC in the United Kingdom and in Okinawa. 

Now let me see....... I have to be home 18 months before I can leave again, so who knows, I may be luckly enough to serve at least one more tour before I think about retiring!

I will be making a few more updates to share my wonderful trip to Scotland, so stay tuned!



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