Friday, January 21, 2011

St. Peter's Basilica

This is probably one of Michelangelo's most famous sculptures.  It is absolutely beautiful!

This is looking to the front of the Basilica.  It doesn't look that far, but it really is huge!

The Altar.  To get an idea how large this is, the Priest was a fairly large man and when he was standing behind the altar, his head did not even reach the brown area above the altar, (the area that begins at about the top of the candles). 
So as you can tell, it is huge!

The domed ceiling above the Altar area.

To the right and the left of the alter, there were domed ceilings on each side,
they each had huge wooden cabinets with the pipes for the pipe organ.  This is the dome that was in the center.

There were so many beautiful statues and sculptures in the Basilica!

The Nativity scene that was set up in the Basilica, it had a running fountain that was like a stream. 
There was a radiant light coming from behind the angel and from baby Jesus.

One of the many columns, you can tell how large this is by looking at the people standing there.

Holy Water font

I know this picture is a little fuzzy - but I thought it is worth sharing since it is the tomb of  St. Peter. 
His remains are down the steps and to the back of this area. 
You could not actually go down to the tomb. 
 I went to Church Sunday, January 16th at St. Peter's Basilica, it was absolutely beautiful.  On Sunday's you can't rent the audio tour, so I didn't get the full history and story of all the sculptures and areas in the Basilica. After the mass, in one of the little chapels to the side, it is the area that the do all the Baptism's, I assume that is where they do all the Baptism's because there were two babies being Baptized after the mass.  There was a huge Baptismal fount.  The mass was in Italian, so I didn't understand any of it.  I tried to follow along by memory in English, but I must say it did get a little confusing!  I certainly knew the sign of peace and when to go to Holy Communion!  Regardless of your language, those two parts of the mass can always be identified along with the Creed.  I did buy a book on the Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, so I will learn more about it, and want to go back I am sure!

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