Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rome In Pictures

I thought this was so neat.  There was one street that was lined with these
tangerine trees on both sides of the street in the middle of Rome

The Coliseum

The Coliseum

These two statues at the top of this stairway are more of Michelangelo's creations.

Building that was behind the official Olympic track.  The highest point in the front of the building is where the official lap counter stood to count the number of laps and spot the winner of the race.

You can see the official track that is the front of the building.

Typical street in Rome.  Very narrow street with cars parked on both sides of the street.
  As you can tell by these pictures and the captions, or lack of captions I don't remember what these buildings and statues are called.  I am just trying to give you an idea of what Rome is like.  It is a very big, old city!  In Rome there are ruins that are well over 2000 years old.  And the statues, they are everywhere.  Every other block is a famous Plazas or Square with a statue or fountain. You can see that many of the building have balconies that have beautiful plants growing over the side of the balcony.  The temperature was in the lower 60's, so the temperature was not bad.  Rome is a very beautiful, ancient city, with so many sites to see.  I am sure you could stay there for weeks and still not see everything. 

In one of the little street cafe's where I stopped for some limoncello, I met two young men that were from Chicago.  They were spending the semester studying abroad. We discussed their adventures.  I thought it was very interesting that as we were sitting in the street cafe, the little shop next door was just opening and it was 5:00 p.m., the Chicago boys said in Rome it is kind of like Mexico - they take a Mediterranean Siesta!

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