Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Driving by GPS

I am not sure if I have mentioned that I am not fond of driving over here!  First of all it is driving by GPS!  A wonderful British lady, that I call Ms. Brit, tells me exactly where to go!  That sounds easy enough, WRONG!  The roads here are VERY dark! 

Last night when I was leaving the base, I turned the wrong way out of the gate.  Let me first justify that by saying you can't exit from the entrance gate.  So, I wasn't exactly sure where I was when I left the base.  Ms. Brit kept saying turn right, I could not see a road to turn on, and of course there was someone right on my tail.  Did I mention they drive really fast over here?  Anyway, every time I didn't turn right, Ms. Brit said recalculating.  After I missed four right turns, I entered a round about, which I don't like either.  She said take the fourth exit, of course I turn too early.  So, she very patiently said recalculating.  Her next command was turn right, there wasn't anyone behind me so I was not going to miss this turn.  Mind you it was only 5:30 p.m. but it was pitch dark and I turned right, on what turned out to be a one lane dirt road the went between two farms.  As soon as I turned on the road, there were what seemed like millions of eyes staring at me.  Of course it was not actually a million, but there were at least 100 rabbits that were staring me in the eye, and immediately scattered!  Ms. Brit said go 1.7 miles, so I drove on.  About a quarter of a mile down this road, a herd of at least six deer ran across the road.  Let me tell you they have some really big animals here!  The rabbits were huge and so were the deer!  I am still on the one lane dirt road with nothing in sight, there was no place to turn around, so I sure hoped Ms. Brit knew what she was talking about.  Finally I came to the intersection and she said turn left and an immediate right, so I did.  At her instruction I drove another mile, which lead to a really nice paved road.  The only problem was there was a gate between the dirt road and the paved road!  So there was no turning left for me!  Fortunately, there was a little area that I was able to turn around and head back down the dirt road to where I started.  I followed Ms. Brit's directions which lead me right back where I had come from, past the gate at the base.  That is when I realized the I had turned the wrong way!

No wonder I don't really go any place after work!  I was doing some praying that I didn't break down, have a flat or get stuck in the middle of no where!  I sure am glad that Ms. Brit knew how to finally get me home! On the bright side, I did have a service member tell me yesterday that we are gaining four minutes per day of daylight!  Hopefully by the time I am ready to come home, it will be daylight past 5:30!

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