Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Couting down the days

It is less than three months until I begin my European Adventure.  I am so fortunate to have such wonderful job that allows me the opportunity to do what I love while travelling around the world!  I work for the Department of Veterans Affairs at the VA Regional Office in Little Rock, Arkansas.  I am a Senior Veterans Service Representative.  I have been selected for my second tour as an Overseas Military Services Coordinator.  As OMSC, I will spend my day providing benefit briefings to service members and their families.  Most importantly, it provides me with the opportunity to serve to those who freely give of themselves for our freedom!

In 2009, January thru May, I was the OMSC in Okinawa, Japan.  Beginning January 2nd I will be the OMSC in the UK.  I will be living at RAF Lakenheath, which is about 70 miles northeast of London.  My tour will actually be January 2nd thru May 20th

Instead of leaving January 2nd, I am giving my daughter, Jennifer and my niece, Caroline, a Christmas present that I hope they will never forget.  We are leaving Christmas Day at 5:05 p.m. flying to London.  We will stay four days in London then travel to Paris for four days.  I am really excited to be able to share this special trip with them!   They will fly home from Paris on January 1st.  We will be celebrate New Year's Eve 2010 in Paris, ushering in another new and exciting year! 

On January 2nd my five month adventure begins, RAF Lakenheath, here I come!

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